Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Went in to Limerick with the intention of shooting some footage in the city, however, the weather was too bad. Continued to edit video work.
The content of this video is quite similar to the other works in progress insofar as it addresses notions of perception and cognition. We are drawn in by the flashing lights; trying to comprehend the unspoken narrative within. The sound of wind, again, brings a sense of the organic to the piece when, like a shot out of the blue, a blue shot rings out loudly disrupting the senses........... normal service is soon resumed; lights softly flashing, breeze gently blowing......... a shot rings out again; unsettling, disturbing, agitating..... we will not again be fooled...... the breeze stops; then silence.............another shot, damn, fooled again. Then silence again, anticipating more disruption................but nothing.

'Disturbance' Work in progress.

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