The degree show went well, it was a lovely day which made it all the better. A good crowd showed up for the occasion. Jennifer Lynch won the Limerick Arts Society medal; I was delighted for her. Mary Hickey won two awards also, Eoin McCormack won a painting prize, and Maurice Reidy got selected for an exhibition down in Cork. Fair play to them all. All that remains now is to do the invigilating on Friday, and then take our things home. Four years of art college over; it has been a wonderful experience, and I have met some really nice people, some of whom I would consider good friends now.
The tutors and staff could not have been more friendly and helpful. Still did not hear if I have been accepted for the M.A. programme. Did not get my results on line either; will wait until postman Pat (his real name) brings them. I have heard that my degree show work is to be reviewed in Circa magazine, so that is a good break to get.
Must mention also that I am PRO for the 'Art in the Making' group see: Also my work can be seen at Have also got a weebly, but don't expect to be using it at this stage anyway. Nevertheless, the address is: Does this mean that I can now say Richard J. Williams artist now? or do I have to wait until I officially get my Hons Degree? for thought!!! will write a few more words to this on Friday, but after that ...... I am not too sure; perhaps if I get accepted for the M.A. programme I may continue to use this. Then again, maybe it would be wise to continue to use this blog as it has quite a sizeable content now, and I have noticed that it has come up a few times when I have been looking for things; it has even got top of the page listing in some items, we'll see.