Monday, January 12, 2009


I have deceided to add a thin layer of white gesso over the top of my missing person painting, to further enhance the ethereal qualities of the painting. I was going to change the tones on the facial area, and define the features but I believe the "mask like " effect is perfect for what I am trying to portray, ie, recognisable as a person, but unrecognisable as an individual; devoid of recognition.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I completed the rough cut for my video piece, also added one part of the sound track. This is a work in progress, which I hope to finish after the assessments.
Got some more images of missing people and got the photographs developed.
I received my "mirror jigsaw" from the plastics company, it has far exceeded my expectations, I'm really happy with it.
I am going to call this piece a worry jigsaw. I will invite the viewer to look into the mirrored jigsaw, and notice the many parts that make up the whole person. (I will arrange the jigsaw pieces side by side, not like a completed jigsaw, obviously the viewer will see their reflection in many pieces)If the viewer has any worries, fears etc, I will ask them to focus all these concerns on to one piece of the jigsaw, and when they are content that all their fears and worries are focused on that one piece of jigsaw, I will invite them to remove that piece from the puzzle, refocus on the jigsaw, and feel a sense of release, as though the worries and fears have now been taken away. Research on art therapy at a later date.


On the 16/10/2008 I painted an item while it was on a wall (see blog for that date) When I took the image down, it left a vague impression of a jigsaw shape. I have been thinking about this accidental art (for want of a better description) for quite some time now. If I intended to make these marks on purpose, I could have said that I have made an artwork IE. they were purposeful mark making. So I asked the question, could I call it an artwork, if the mark making was (as it was in this case), accidental? Andy Warhol once said "great art is what you can get away with"I have to say that I would not be comfortable with this kind of philosophy, in other words, yes, I probably would have got away with calling it a work of art but my conscience would not rest easy.
Anyway, what I decided to do was to use this accidental art, and turn it into a purposeful piece, I painted the white areas within the jigsaw shape, and 'cleaned up' some of the lines of the jigsaw shape itself. I intend to frame the piece, and use it as part of my work for assessment. As for the theoretical aspects and concerns of this and for using an actual wall for the piece, I will investigate at a later stage.
Attended the fine art department meeting today. The cost cutting by the present government means there is a deficit in the budget allocated to schools. This has led to the professional practice module withdrawn from the curriculum, and also a loss of the visiting lectures . The chairman, and most, if not all of the tutors, saw this as a great loss to both the fine art department, and especially to the students. I know it has been reconstituted in a watered down version, as a video presentation for marking purposes, nevertheless, it is not quite the same as the real thing. I believe this will have a detrimental effect for the college and students alike (I would wager NCAD would have a professional practice module !).Finished the jigsaw today at long last ! Took some photos of same. I have placed some blank jigsaw pieces on top of the jigsaw and photographed it. It looks visually very effective, and adds a sense of enigma to the puzzle.


My "ceci n'est pas une simulacrum" piece is finished.I used a jigsaw (funnily enough!) to cut off the excess white board which the jigsaw puzzle was on, it was no addition to the piece. Sanded the edges, then painted the edges with yellow acrylic. I could not find an exact replica of the font used in Magritte's painting, however, the one I chose is near enough. I printed it off on Microsoft word and used some carbon paper to copy out on to the board, obviously I had to plan out the exact positioning of the wording. I then stuck a smoking pipe to the the piece. I have to say I, the piece has worked out exactly as I had planned. (which is always a bonus!)
I took a photograph of the piece , which I then took to the developers, and ordered a jigsaw of the photograph. The jigsaw worked out very well. I will take a photograph of the original again on Monday p.g. and get it blown up, and that will be the last addition to my piece for display.
What is the point of this piece eg. what is the theoretical concept behind this piece? Well, to be honest, I know exactly what I have done, a lot of thought and reading and planning has gone in to this piece but I am inviting the spectator to figure it out for themselves !


One of my colleagues obtained advertising boards with images on the them, and had finished their use of them. They were going to dispose of them, so I asked if I could have a couple of them. One was blank, the other was of an air brushed woman.(It was advertising beauty products, so naturally she was airbrushed to perfection). I am going to use the image to hopefully create a painting with a "lost" look on the face, and with muted tones, create an atmospheric, ghostly composition, (perhaps something similar to Wilhelm Sasnal's portraits) I will employ jigsaw pieces to the side of the facial image, to give some texture, but also as a reference to something not completed. (I suppose unlike the airbrushed beauty, this "lost soul" has an uncertain outcome). (Perhaps like the painting!).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I stuck negative photographs to a blank jigsaw that I had, although they were not real missing people, it was just the kind of image I was looking for. Again, a kind of ghostly non-existence type image. I will investigate the possibility of using these kind of images in paintings.