Attended the fine art department meeting today. The cost cutting by the present government means there is a deficit in the budget allocated to schools. This has led to the professional practice module withdrawn from the curriculum, and also a loss of the visiting lectures . The chairman, and most, if not all of the tutors, saw this as a great loss to both the fine art department, and especially to the students. I know it has been reconstituted in a watered down version, as a video presentation for marking purposes, nevertheless, it is not quite the same as the real thing. I believe this will have a detrimental effect for the college and students alike (I would wager NCAD would have a professional practice module !).Finished the jigsaw today at long last ! Took some photos of same. I have placed some blank jigsaw pieces on top of the jigsaw and photographed it. It looks visually very effective, and adds a sense of enigma to the puzzle.
Photography this a.m. quite intriguing, especially to hear about the temperature of light. Apparently, the "flash " temperature is set to 12 o'clock noon. We were introduced to various aspects of the digital camera. I took some photos of one of my sculptural jigsaw piece, unfortunately, there was some problem with the computer there and we could not get the photographs. Had tutorial with Alan today, it went well. Alan has suggested that I have enough concepts, ideas, and methods, and that these should be acted upon, less thinking more do , make, say. Fair comment, I should let the work dictate the ideas, rather than the ideas dictate the work.
Did some more to the jigsaw, the end is in sight !
Did some more to the jigsaw, the end is in sight !
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