I was unable to add the resin to my mould today, it has to be done in the evening because of the fumes, and I had ccs in the evening. Pat said he would put the resin in , fair play to him. CCS this afternoon we were going over the options again, the tutor seemed to be of the opinion that everyone should have it sorted out by now but this was most certainly not the case. I am still unsure of which option to pursue. All this CCS work that we have to do over the next few months will certainly detract from our studio work, which compiles of some 80% of the course mark, it doesn't make sense to have so much work to do in CCS for a mere 20%.
With the left over silicone that I had, I utilised it for another piece of work; I placed some jigsaw pieces on the silicone, some of them upside down. I have placed the original packaging slip from the jigsaw manufacture beside the piece. I suppose you could say that I did this with some sense of irony, as it is now a puzzle that can not be solved, in fact it has now taken on a whole new persona (so to speak), it is a piece of contemporary art ! Could I now call this an 'ARTSAW' ! Well, as an artist, if I can change the functionality of an item, and call it art, then surely I should be able to invent a word for the artwork that I have created !!!!! Hmmm....... more food for thought.
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