Friday, February 13, 2009


Had a chat with Mathilde today and asked her if she would be interested in collaborating with me in our art practice, she was very enthusiastic about this (as am I). We have so many ideas already, and we have not even begun! I firmly believe we can take this project very far, as i have said already, we have very similar thoughts and ideas about a number of things.
The Starling egg (its new name) is still a bit tacky, Des said to leave it for another while to dry, and then we can polish it up. Spent most of the day editing the Berlin videos, I have decided that I am not going to do too much to the 'night out' video, there's no point, it's too dark in the nightclub, and it is not really connected to my studio practice. The other video has a wealth of content that I can use in my studio practice.
I e-mailed an art gallery in Berlin who were looking for group exhibitiors. It would be a fantastic opportunity for third year painting if we were accepted, nothing ventured.........................

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