Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Had a meeting with Mathilde today to discuss what direction we are taking. We have an abundance of ideas for our practice, I am convinced that we will produce a lot of excellent work. It still amazes me how 'in tune' we seem to be. (forgive the pun !) We went to have a chat with Matt Gidney, to discuss our equipment requirements, he was most helpful, and gave us good advice. Had a chat with David mac Burnie about the options, he was very informative, and cleared up a few uncertainties that I had. I decided that I was going to do a placement or a reflective journal. Unfortunately (perhaps that's not the right word)Aine has suggested that if we are considering a masters degree, A thesis would probably be more beneficial. (I can understand the logic). However, it is about options, and I suppose we would have to pick one that best suits our individual practice.We had a seminar with Aine in the Limerick city Gallery of Art, we discussed the work in the 'into drawing' exhibition that was currently running there, it was very intriguing, I quite liked the Eamonn o' Kane piece, the charcoal on the floor somehow made the piece more 'real' (you could imagine the artist actually working there). Stephen Brandes was very innovative, in his use of vinyl as a surface( as a reference of sorts to man made items). (I remarked to one of my colleagues that it appeared he had some 'religious issues' as there were images of churches in his three pieces). I also liked the artist Niamh o malleys' work, especially the fact that she uses video and drawing in her work. (unusual bedfellows!). Downstairs they had some video work by Clare Langan, I was impressed by the work, very 'out there' in contemporary art terms, I shall research this artist for sure.

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