The eggsaws turned out reasonably well, they are not crystal clear but that is fine; it will add to the mystery.Prepared the mould for another five today.Obtained the boards for the performance/painting/video piece with Mathilde. Will use the machine tomorrow to trace out the jigsaw shapes. We will play some minimalist sound possibly Steve Reich, whilst painting on the boards, we are hoping in some sense to get lost in the sound so to speak, and see what kind of painting develops, we will be recording this on video. The video we will project on to the boards when the painting is completed, it will show the whole process taking place. The jigsaw shape? Well I suppose it is a kind of metaphor for our work we are doing; a mixture of different things that we are trying to make sense of through experimentation.Had another meeting about Berlin, again, the lads are so enthusiastic,there is a great energy in the gruop.Wrote e mail to Shelia Deegan about getting Istrabraque hall for the exhibition, hope she hasn't given our spot away, did not contact her for a while.
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