First day back after Easter, did quite a lot of work today without actually getting a lot done (does this make sense? well it does to me in my own mind, and as Sean Lynch says, "once it makes sense in your own mind, that's all that matters")LOL. Talking of Sean Lynch; met him and his wife today at lunchtime for a chat, they were teaching for the day in the college. We spoke about the Starling egg; the historical significance of the Unter Den Linden area in Berlin, Joseph Beuys's 7000 oak trees, Simon Starlings studio in Frankfurt etc. It was very interesting to hear an established artists opinion on the work.
Returned Ann's video camera to her (she lent it to me over the Easter)fair play to her. Unscrewed the video mounting bracket and returned it to the canteen where it came from.Prepared another five eggsaws; that's the last of them now.Myself and Mathilde worked on our presentation; it is looking good. A catastrophe has occurred, the video performance we did with the hoovers etc has gone missing, I can't find it anywhere; we are so disappointed as it was really good, I do not think we could recapture the magic that happened spontaneously that day.Enquired from Matt (just in case we left it in the video camera) also asked Nigel, Sean, etc, no sign of it anywhere.Got an extension loan from the library, on the book I got on special loan.The lads have agreed that the man from the gallery in Berlin was very condescending in his e mail to us. (I sent them a copy of the e mail he sent me). Sandra has organised a bag packing week end starting next Friday and Saturday,and Sunday, fair play to her; also to Tadhg who is putting in a lot of work for the exhibition, in fact; all the lads seem to be taking their responsibilities very seriously, fair play to them all!!! Got a couple more additions to the beauty board today; it is close to completion now.
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