Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I spent the morning writing for the thesis; a chapter is due tomorrow. We had a critique in the afternoon; two of my colleagues had to talk about their work. it was very interesting, in terms of putting the meaning behind the paintings; I suppose we can all be a bit guilty of pre judging other peoples work, without actually knowing their concepts. Even though we are in a visual discipline, sometimes words need to be used, to give the work a new perspective.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Aine has mentioned that it wil be next week before she sees Mike fitzpatrick about Georges' quay, and said I could continue to work in the workshop area, so basically spent the day re establishing the installation. I have added a couple of pieces to it; a couple of strips of the carnival mirror, in strategically placed positions; it was very effective, again, adding to the illusionism, or the questioning of ones spatial reality. I had to attend a committee meeting of the drawing show; just about the ways in which we will generate advertising, and so forth.


Spent the day in library writing for thesis. In the evening, I went to an exhibition down in Thomas street; one of my classmates was partaking in it, also one of our tutors, Alan Keane, and also Richard Slade. It was an interesting exhibition, although I was not overly impressed with the exhibition space; it was too rough a finish, to be a white cube setting, at the same time, it was too good a finish, to be a rough and ready kind of place, if you know what I mean, in other words, it was neither one thing or the other, and I felt that in itself, detracted from the actual exhibition.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I am in limbo at the moment, in terms of studio work, so I spent the day researching different artists and theories, connected to my own work. I have a strong interest in the work of Anish Kapoor, and Felix Gonzalez Torres, both of which have used mirror in unique and interesting ways; in terms of 'anticipated perception' of the viewer. Their work distinguishes a responsibility, that ultimately lies with the viewer; a shift from the didactic, to the open ended. In some sense it could be described as a theatrical experience, where viewer is audience and player. The viewer is asked to contemplate the work, or perhaps it could be said that the work itself, makes the viewer work, or piece together the work (interaction). It raises questions of the nature of self perception.


No word about the studio space in Georges quay. I spent the morning doing some writing for the thesis. P.M. We had a seminar about exhibitions; it was mainly a historical seminar, nevertheless, it was very interesting.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I had two presentations to do today, both were for 2nd year graphics students. They went reasonably well. By the time the third one was finished, I felt a lot more comfortable about public speaking, so some good has come out of the experience, even though it has taken up valuable studio time. To be fair to Peter, he did not make it too stressful. I had a quick chat with Aine this morning, about using the space down in George's quay, I suggested writing a proposal, to which she agreed, and she said that she will chat to the head of the art college about it. One of my colleagues has suggested that myself and another prospective MA student, talk to Mark about the process of applying for a masters degree. I mentioned this to him, and he was all for it; it will be good to get his input.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Saturday today. I went in for 8 o clock , to help get the drawing competition entries ready, for Donald Tetskey to make his selection for the show. There were some absolutely brilliant works on show, and one of my own pieces was selected fot the exhibition; I am very pleased. We finished up at around 4 o' clock, it was a good experience, to see what kind of procedeures were involved, and to see what kinds of things Donald selected.