Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Simon Starling's Egg.

The Starling egg project (sounds like some kind of scientific investigation!) is on-going. As part of the work I will enter into correspondence with Both Sean Lynch and Simon Starling. The following is a letter which I e mailed to Sean Lynch:

Hi Sean, My name is Richard Williams I am a 3rd year student in the Limerick School of Art and Design. I met you when I was in first year you were a visiting artist in the sculpture department; I still see you from time to time around the college. I would appreciate your advice/thoughts on this matter Sean. Whilst on a study trip to Berlin in January with the college we went to a gallery that was in the process of preparing an exhibition for display by Simon Starling. The kind lady who was working in the gallery generously offered us a look at the works that were being made ready. She also kindly spoke about the various works that were on display. In one corner there was a section of a tree (Large branch) which was sawn off a tree that was in the Unter den Linden area of Berlin; I am not certain as to what context the tree was to be used in the exhibition however, I am aware of the historical significance of that area in Berlin. I was intrigued that this branch was being used by Simon Starling in his work when the thought then occurred to me that, to take a twig from the branch and use it in my own work would make for a very interesting concept I.E. it would raise all kinds of questions as to legal ownership of the twig, artistic copyright, historical significance etc, so I did ! The twig that I broke off had a seed attached to it; I have since planted the seed and hopefully it will grow. Again, if it comes to fruition, it will make for a very interesting concept I.E. a tree grown from a seed which came from the Unter Den Linden area and that was part of an artist's exhibition ! The twig itself I have encased in resin; the resin being in the shape of an egg (a play on the chicken and egg theme; whose work came first mine, Simon Starling's, mother nature etc). In some strange sense by placing it in the resin I have actually preserved Simon Starling's work and a little bit of history for posterity. I was going to write directly to Simon Starling about this to see what he thought of the whole idea but to be honest Sean I was a little apprehensive about this. However, I understand that you worked with Simon for a couple of years in Berlin so I said I would approach you to see what your thoughts were on the matter; and how you think Simon might react. Again Sean, I would really appreciate any help/advice you could give on this matter. I am a great fan of both yours and Simon Starling's work, where both research and concept play a vital part. Regards Richard Williams.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Seminar this morning (presentations),Was impressed with artist Jenny Holzer (truisms), she was against advertising, yet her own work is an advertisement of her work (if that makes sense on any kind of level!!!) Also liked her Lustmord exhibition (blood writing) Bosnia) . A couple of other artists I was impressed with were: Vito Acconci. Very clever video work (girl rubbing his leg) also biting himself as a way of branding. Chris Burden was another artist of note, he nailed himself to a beetle.Also he got a friend to shoot him in the arm, now that's what I call suffering for your art !Illy Kabakov was another good one (frames the mundane).Paula Rego; (scary fairy tales) Joseph Cornell; collects bits and pieces from shops etc,(New York) Nick Cave; found objects, makes nto suits.Ann Hamilton; body as art.On Kawara; sends postcards etc. Sent off deposit for Berlin today, some of the lads are very enthusiastic and have already started making steps to raise funds, fair play to them. Wrote e mails to Berlin Gallery, went down town to post off cheque.Had meeting about Berlin. Sent e mail to Sean Lynch, got a reply, will put it up on blog tomorrow.My eggsaws turned out OK, did not get down in time to do another batch, will do some tomorrow p g.

Saturday, March 28, 2009



The silicone mould has worked out well, so it was just a matter of suspending the eggsaw pieces in the centre of the mould. This I achieved by super gluing the pieces to some fishing line and lining them up in the egg shape, put a couple of pins either side of the mould to tie the fishing line around. In the evening then We filled the mould with resin, Monday will tell if this was a success. Carried on editing video piece in the afternoon.Also tried a couple of ways of illuminating the starling egg, it worked out well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Was bitterly disappointed on being told that I was not allowed to enter the Hunt Museum competition this year, especially as Alan said at the end of last year that I could. I had work prepared for it as well.I have to say I think it is a little unfair. Heard back from the Turn-Berlin gallery, they won't budge on the number of places,which I have to say is rather mean spirited especially in this time of recession. It was a very matter of fact letter, so from now on I will do the same, I guess it is just a money making business for them. Heard back from Shelia Deegan (Limerick city Arts office) it was good of her to reply, she said that we could have the Istabraq building for our exhibition, once EV+A has finished, we have to get back to her regarding dates. One of my classmates has said it is a very small place, never been there so can't comment.


Went to the EV+A exhibition as a group today with Aine and Katriona, it was very interesting and there were some great works on display. I particularly liked the work of Sean Lynch, It seems probable to suggest that he is a great conceptual artist.Made other half of the mould for the eggsaw.I have readied my jigsaw pieces for insertion into the resin eggs (when ready). I have wrote the words "congratulations you have solved the puzzle it was created by artist Richard Williams March 2009" on to the different pieces, I believe it is going to work out very well.


Carried on making my mould for the eggsaws. Photoshop A.M.It was good to start at the very beginning, it has filled in a lot of gaps, so to speak,as Nigel said, it's like watching the film from the beginning. A couple of more experiments for the display of the Starling egg. Attended class reps meeting this afternoon, there was a very poor turnout only 11 out of 50+ reps attended 3 disciplines were not represented.They're bringing in pay parking for recession bitten cash strapped students after Easter, the students union said they can't do anything about it, I personally didn't see any petitions going around objecting to this, I believe the union is somewhat weak.In the afternoon, myself and Mathilde carried on with our sound experiment ion/performance. We went to the basement and set up an orchestra of sorts, we did this because I suppose like we are "conducting" experiments. We set up a couple of hoovers sitting on chairs,a guitar, bongo, some steel pipes.Funnily enough one of the hoovers had a face on it which added to the fun ! we masked our faces and put mops on our heads for the performance, we did this I suppose to add, in a sense, some humor! Who said art had to be serious!!! That said, the whole point was about the sound,hence the anonynimity! It was maticulously planned even though some of it looks spontaneous enough, we will present this at our seminar but are not at first going to reveal it is us, we are going to say it is some artists that we have referenced, just to see what kind of reaction we get, we are also hoping to take some photographs of the reactions !