Sunday, March 22, 2009


Alan has informed us that Jason Oakley of the VAI, would like to do an article about our proposed 'cultural exhibition' in Berlin. As you can imagine, this was received with much gratitude and appreciation. The gift horses' mouth has got even bigger! Despite all this, people have started to withdraw from the proposed exhibition, which I think is a great shame, and an fantastic opportunity to miss out on.A few people have asked if they could send their work over instead. This is something that will have to be discussed, IE would it be fair on the people who do go over to Berlin? We have a class meeting on Monday to discuss if the exhibition wii go ahead. Alan seemed a bit disappointed when I told him of the uncertainty of it, I can understand that, It would be a great advertisement for the painting Department, and also for the LSAD.
Carried on preparing my 'eggsaw' mould. Nigel has agreed to let me to continue with photoshop with the second group of second years, fair play to him.

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